Shipping policy

Our shipments are managed by MOVI EMPORDA, S.C.P. authorised franchisee of MBE. The operators or couriers used can be Correos Express, UPS, Fedex or TNT.

The courier company will deliver the package to your home or to the address you indicate. The carrier will make several delivery attempts, usually on consecutive working days.

If they still cannot reach you at the delivery address, they will leave the package at a carrier’s office so that you can pick it up within the next few days.

You can see the updated information on your order and the delivery attempts made through the tracking link of your order that the transport company will send you.

A change of delivery address once the shipment is in transit may incur an extra cost.

We will endeavour to meet the expected delivery date stated on the Order Confirmation or, if no date is specified, within 14 days of the Order Confirmation date, unless there are exceptional circumstances. If it is impossible to deliver your order to the designated address within those 14 days, we will contact you before the expiry of that period.

Ownership of the goods will be transferred to you when we receive payment in full for your order, including carriage costs, or at the time of delivery, whichever is the later.

Do you have any questions?

Customer Service Telephone:

972 255 708

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